
Torrent Suite Software space on Ion Community

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What's covered here?

This guide gives you an overview of concepts and methods involved in working with Ion Torrent analysis data.

The Introduction covers the Torrent Browser tabs and how you use templates and planned runs to control your sequencing runs.

A high-level view of the run data flow, On Dataflow , should give you a point of reference for understanding the different stages of an analysis run.

Learn how to start and monitor a run by reading Start a Run .

Learn the basics of how to access and interpret the reports generated by a run, in View Runs and Reports .

Finally, in What's Next , you can find suggestions for additional reading that gives you more in-depth information about the concepts you have just learned.


These instructions assumethat you have already set up your Torrent Server and can access Torrent Browser. Detailed information about setting up your server is found in the Torrent Suite™ Software Administration Guide .

To manually run an analysis, you must also have a run defined in the run list with experiment data uploaded to the Torrent Server from your Ion S5, Ion PGM, or Ion Proton S equencer or Ion Chef.

Installed documentation

You can access the installed documentation from the Help menu Local Documentation option:

Other topics

See What's Next for an overview of documentation guides. These topics are useful as you become more familiar with Torrent SuiteSoftware: