Use Cases
Torrent Suite Software space on Ion Community
This document describes several common use cases. These include topics whose operation or application:
- May not be intuitive from the Torrent Browser UI.
- May cross UI functional boundaries.
- May have alternative command line interfaces.
Realign Run to Different Reference Genome
Reanalyze with a Different DNA Barcode Set
Use DNA Barcodes with the Ion Torrent™ Sequencers
Overview of the BaseCaller and Barcode Classification
Troubleshooting Barcode Classification Issues
Custom Barcode Design
Scan Your Sequencing Kit
Handle a Failed Analysis Run
Determine the Fault Cause
Restart a Run
Terminate an Analysis Run
Work with Files
Work with the Database
Change the Report Name
Change the Run Date
Add or Change an Ion PGM™ or Ion Proton™ Instrument
Change Your Torrent Browser Password