Torrent Browser User Interface Guide

Torrent Suite Software space on Ion Community

User Interface Guide TOC

Sample Attributes

With sample attributes you can add fields to samples and use this information for your own sample management. Attributes that you create appear in the sample listing, in the Add Sample popup, and in the CSV file used to import sample information.

An attribute can be made mandatory, in which case it must be entered with every sample.

Even though you create an attribute on the Sample Set page, the attribute is applied to each individual sample that is currently a member of the sample set. The attribute is not applied to the sample set itself.

Add a sample attribute

To create a new sample attribute, click the Sample Attributes button and select the Add option:

In the popup, enter the attribute name, type, and description. If you want the attribute to be required with every sample, click the Is Mandatory checkbox.

Attribute Type must be set to either Integer or Text. If set to Integer, when you add a sample, you can only enter numeric characters (whole numbers) for this attrbiute.

Hide a sample attribute

If you hide an attribute, that attribute no longer appears in sample listings or in the Add Sample popup. If you hide a mandatory attribute, that attribute is no longer mandatory.

You hide a sample attribute in the attribute manage page. From the main Samples tab, click the Sample Attributes button and select the Manage option:

On the Sample Attributes page, select the Show/Hide option in the gear menu: