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BaseCaller Parameters

This page describes BaseCaller parameters that are available when you reanalyze a completed run.


The behavior of the BaseCaller is changed in the 4.2 release. Please read the section Changes in the 4.2 release .

New parameters are available and the behavior of the --barcode-mode BaseCaller parameter is also changed in 4.2.


The default BaseCaller parameters are tuned for Ion Torrent data. In most cases, you do not need to modify these settings. Modifying these parameters is recommended for advanced users only.

However, if you use a custom barcode set, please see the cautions and requirements in Custom Barcode Design . Correct parameter settings require knowledge of your barcode's distances in signal space. The BaseCaller defaults are optimized for the IonXpress barcode set, and likely are not correct for a custom barcode set.

When you reanalyze a run, other parameters are also listed in the BaseCaller arguments field. These parameters are for internal use please do not change or remove these fields.


Barcode classification is the process by which reads are assigned to one of the barcodes present in one analysis run. Correct barcode classification is important because a classification error results in a read being assigned to the wrong barcode, which in turn leads to the read being analyzed as belonging to a wrong sample.

Barcode classification determines which barcode group a read is assigned to. Barcode classification is done for each read immediately after base calling.

Barcode filtering determines if a specific barcode is included in the run report or is filtered out. Barcode filtering works on the barcode groups as a whole.

Changes in the 4.4 release

Barcode filtering

Parameter Default Description
barcode-filter-named Off The default in Torrent Suite 4.4 is that all barcodes in which the user specified a sample name are represented in the run report. If you want barcodes with an associated sample name to go through the barcode filtering process (as in Torrent Suite 4.2 and earlier), turn this option on.
barcode-ignore-flows 0,0 Two comma separated integer values specify an open-ended interval of flows that are ignored during barcode classification. If lower and upper bound are equal, no flows will be ignored.

Barcode classification

Parameter Default Description
barcode-auto-config Off

The classification algorithm computes the minimum Hamming distance of the barcode set in flow space and attempts to choose appropriate barcode-cutoff and barcode-separation settings.

Barcode auto config selects the values:

classification mode 1: barcode-cutoff = floor((Hamming distance - 1) / 2)

classification mode 2: barcode-separation = 0.5 * Hamming distance

The components of 'barcode-auto-config' can be activated separately:

With the command line option 'barcode-compute-dmin on' specified, only the minimum Hamming distance is computed but classification parameters are not modified.

The command line option 'barcode-check-limits on' (in combination with 'barcode-compute-dmin on') results in sanity checks of the cutoff and barcode-separation option values. Should an option value be out of bounds, it is changed to the value that auto-config would choose.

The bounds for 'barcode-check-limits' are:

classification mode 1:0 <= barcode cutoff<= floor((Hamming distance - 1) /2)

classification mode2: 0.5 <= barcode-cutoff; 0.25 *Hamming distance <= barcode-separation <= 0.75 * Hamming distance

Changes in the 4.2 release

Barcode classification method

The barcode classification method that is used in the Torrent Suite Software analysis pipeline is changed beginning with the 4.2 release. Barcodes now are classified based on signal information rather than on base call information, as was done in 4.0 and previous releases. S ignal calls are a more direct measurement of the read and are the most precise and most accurate source of information. The 4.2 barcode classification method considers the distance between the measured signal and the predicted barcode signal. The 4.0 method considered the number of flow alignment errors in base space.

Advantages of the 4.2 classification method:

  • Because this method uses a barcode separation threshold that is based on signal information, it provides increased confidence in the identification and rejection of reads. Using signal information, the BaseCaller can detect problematic reads that in base space appear to perfectly match a barcode.
  • The consistency and uniformity of barcode classification is improved. The 4.0 classification method constantly adjusted the classification threshold. In 4.2, the threshold is a defined percentage of the most frequently-occurring barcode (1%, by default).

BaseCaller parameters

The settings of BaseCaller parameters control barcode classification, and these parameters have also changed in the 4.2 release:

  • --barcode-mode 2 is the default in 4.2. This setting causes the 4.2 barcode classification behavior.
  • The parameter --barcode-cutoff , has a different meaning than in 4.0. In 4.2, --barcode-cutoff sets the maximum allowed squared distance ( between the measured signal and the predicted barcode signal) .

These new parameters are added in the 4.2 release:

  • --barcode-separation is minimum separation between the best and second best barcode choice to assign a read to a barcode .
  • --barcode-postpone , when set to the 4.2 default of 1, postpones most barcode filtering until after an Ion Proton run's 96 blocks are merged into one. (Some low level pre-filtering still happens at the block level to reduce the number of files that need to be transferred and merged.) Final b arcode filtering is done on the chip's full information as a whole, not on a block-by-block basis.

Note: As always, the 4.2 defaults for these parameters are optimized for the barcode set IonXpress.

Barcode classification for Ion Proton analyses

For Ion Proton sequencing runs, the chip is logically divided into 96 blocks. For signal processing and base calling stages of the analysis pipeline, the data from each block is analyzed independently from other blocks and also from the chip's data as a whole.


In the 4.0 release, barcode classification and also barcode filtering are done independently in each block. A barcode is reported in the run report if it passes barcode filters in any block. With this approach, noise in a single block can cause an unused barcode to erroneously appear in the run report. Noise could be from various issues such as a loading problem in a small area of the chip or a small bubble in the flow. The edges of bubbles are especially associated with error spikes that cause barcode classification errors in the 4.0 release a single noisy block can cause phantom barcodes to be reported (erroneously) as present in the analysis.

Also in the 4.0 release, reads that fail barcode filtering are filtered out and are not reported in the BAM file or in other files. These reads are silently rejected and cannot be inspected for troubleshooting or other reasons.


In the 4.2 release, barcode filtering is performed considering all the chip's data as a whole. B arcode filtering is postponed until after the data from all 96 blocks of the chip are merged. We see that this approach avoids many of the phantom barcode issues that are seen in 4.0 due to noise in one of the 96 blocks.

To approximate the 4.0 classification behavior in the 4.2 release

Use the following parameter settings to have the 4.2 release approximate the 4.0 barcode classification behavior:

  • --barcode-mode 1
  • --barcode-cutoff 2

Due to changes in the behavior of base calibrationand also in the internal quality tables, the 4.2 release cannot exactly reproduce the 4.0 barcode classification behavior.

Basic parameters

This table lists the more common BaseCaller parameters.

Parameter Default Description



Maximum distance allowed in barcode matches. A threshold that sets the stringency for barcode matches. Lower values require more exact matches when assigning reads to barcodes. Higher values allow less exact matches.

Reads that have a distance greater than this value are counted as barcode no-matches.

See also The cutoff setting .




Allowed values: 1, 2

  • 1 : A barcode is scored by comparing each read sequence to each barcode sequence in a flow space alignment. Errors in each flow are summed over the length of the barcode flows. Then any barcode with a number of errors equal to or less than the --barcode-cutoff value can be considered, and the barcode with the fewest errors with respect to the input sequence is the matching barcode. (The default in 4.0, known as hard decision classification.)

    2 : Barcode classification is based on signal information,specifically on the squared distance between the measured signal and the predicted barcode signal. (The default in 4.4 , known as soft decision classification. )

Note: --barcode-mode 0 is no longer supported.



( Float )

This setting controls how much ambiguity in barcode assignment you want to tolerate, by investigating the distances to the both the closest barcode and to the next closest barcode. A read is rejected if the difference in these two distances is less than the --barcode-separation setting.

Note: --barcode-separation has no effect when --barcode-mode is set to 1.

See also The separation setting .

--barcode-postpone 1

Allowed values: 0, 1, 2

  • 0 : Keeps the 4.0 behavior: b arcode filtering is done independently on each block. This is the default for all Ion S5 and Ion PGM analyses and also for Ion Proton thumbnail (which only consist of a single block) processing and base calibration training stage processing.
  • 1 : BaseCaller does barcode pre-filtering at a 10x lower frequency threshold (10 times more lenient). B arcode filtering is done on the chip's full information as a whole, after the 96 blocks are merged into one. This is the default for Ion Proton full-chip (not thumbnail) analyses.
  • 2 : The BaseCaller does not do any barcode pre-filtering. All b arcode classification happens after the 96 blocks are merged into one. (The setting "2" is slower than the setting "1". "2" creates more files and involves more processing than "1".)

Note: We do not recommend that you change this parameter. Instead accept the pipeline defaults (which are different for Ion S5, Ion PGM, and Ion Proton analyses).




Barcode frequency threshold to be reported in the UI.

Set to 0.0 to turn this filter off. The setting 0.0 causes all barcodes in the barcode set to be reported in the UI, including barcodes with no or very few reads, provided that the barcode group has at least --barcode-filter-minreads number of reads . (Typically barcodes with no or very few reads are not relevant to your analysis and should be filtered out.)




Threshold for the minimum number of reads in a barcode group, for that group to be reported in the UI.


The cutoff setting

Notes about the --barcode-cutoff parameter with --barcode-mode 1:

  • 0 is the most restrictive setting. --barcode-cutoff 0 allows only reads that perfectly match a barcode in base space.

  • The setting 0 works with any barcode set (both Ion Torrent sets and custom barcode sets).

  • Do not set --barcode-cutoff greater than 2 with the IonXpress barcode set. Values greater than 2 relax the classification rules and allow incorrect barcode assignments.

A rule of thumb for the maximum --barcode-cutoff setting is based on the minimum distance of the barcode set in flow space:

T he minimum distance f or the IonXpress barcode set is 5. Then the maximum recommended value for --barcode-cutoff is 2 for analyses that use the IonXpress barcode set. (See Custom Barcode Design for more information about minimum distances within a barcode set.)

The separation setting

Notes about the --barcode-separation parameter:

  • Larger values (close to the minimum distance of the code) require more strict matching of the predicted signal for a read to be assigned to a barcode.

  • Smaller values (for example, 0.2 and below) allow barcode assignment with an expanded tolerance for errors. For example in the extreme case of separation=0, the measured signal may be right in between two predicted barcode signals.

  • If --barcode-separation is set at or above the minimum distance of the barcodes in flow space, no reads at all are assigned to a barcode.
  • If --barcode-separation is set close to the minimum distance of the barcodes in flow space, very few reads are assigned to a barcode.
  • If --barcode-separation is too small, the risk of cross contamination increases. More ambiguous reads are forced into a barcode assignment (with a higher rate of error in these assignments).

A rule of thumb for a good --barcode-separation setting is one half of the minimum distance of the barcode set in flow space:

Other public parameters

This table lists the public BaseCaller parameters that are available for you to modify. However, please note that the defaults for these parameters are optimized for most scenarios and in most cases the default settings are recommended.

Parameter Default Description

-d, or



When on, disables all filtering and trimming and overrides other filtering and trimming settings.

-k, or


on When on, filters out reads that do not both produce a signal and match the library key (or the test fragment key).



F ilters out reads less than this minimum read length.

This filter screens out poor reads early on to avoid wasting processing time on them. See also --trim-min-read-len , which sets the minimum length threshold that is applied after trimming.




Trims this number of bases beyond the barcode adapter.


( Float )

A score cutoff value.

Smaller values correspond to more stringent adapter search and larger values to less stringent adapter search.

Set to 0 to turn off.



( Int )

The minimum number of P1 adapter bases required in order to trim the P1 adapter.



( Int )

Window size for quality trimming.



( Float )

Cutoff for quality trimming.

Set to 100 to turn off. When set to 100, no reads are filtered out due to this parameter.



( Int )

F ilters out any reads that fall below this minimum read length after any trimming step. By default it is initialized with the value of 'min-read-length'.

BaseCaller filters

The BaseCaller module and its parameter settings control these types of filtering:

  • Keypass
  • Quality trimming
  • Adapter trimming

(For a conceptual overview of the BacseCaller's trimming, see Overview of BaseCaller and Barcode Classification . For a detailed discussion, see Technical Note - Filtering and Trimming .)

Examples of BaseCaller parameters usage

With these examples:

  • Do not remove the string "BaseCaller" from the Basecaller Args field.
  • Do not change BaseCaller parameters other than those listed in the basic table or the public table (unless specifically directed to do so by Ion).

Turn off all filtering and trimming

Use the parameter --disable-all-filters on to turn off all filtering. Here is an example Basecaller Args field:

Note: Your analysis most probably contains other parameters in the Basecaller Args field. Do not remove or modify the other parameters.

The --disable-all-filters on setting overrides other filter settings.

Turn off keypass filtering

Use the parameter --keypass-filter off to turn off keypass filtering. Here is an example Basecaller Args field:

Note: Your analysis most probably contains other parameters in the Basecaller Args field. Do not remove or modify the other parameters.

Turn off quality filtering

Use the parameter --trim-qual-cutoff 100 to turn off quality filtering. Here is an example Basecaller Args field:

Note: Your analysis most probably contains other parameters in the Basecaller Args field. Do not remove or modify the other parameters.

Turn off adapter filtering

Use the parameter -- trim-adapter-cutoff 0 to turn off adapter filtering. Here is an example Basecaller Args field:

Note: Your analysis most probably contains other parameters in the Basecaller Args field. Do not remove or modify the other parameters.

Assign more reads to barcodes

To assign more reads to barcodes, adjust barcode classification settings towards less stringent settings:

  • Increase the -- barcode-cutoff setting
  • Decrease the -- barcode-separation setting.

Do not filter out any barcodes

Use the --barcode-filter=0.0 with --barcode-filter -minreads 0.0 to show all barcode read groups where at least one read is classified as belonging to this barcode group.

The main page on reanalyzing a run is Work with Completed Runs .

Other BaseCaller and barcode classification pages

Other resources in Torrent Suite Software user documentation: