Torrent Browser User Interface Guide

Torrent Suite Software space on Ion Community

User Interface Guide TOC


The Torrent Browser, the main Torrent Suite Software user interface, provides access to the following tasks:

  • Design your research protocols in the form of experiment templates.
  • Plan future runs to be executed on your Ion sequencing instruments.
  • Monitor the progress and preliminary quality of your current instrument runs.
  • View a Detailed Report for a specific run.
  • View summary statistics from several analyses.
  • Find a specific run or report, using filter or search criteria.
  • Restart an analysis from a completed run.
  • Run or rerun a plugin on the analysis results from a completed run.
  • Group your analyses into projects for more convenient data management.
  • Configure various Torrent Suite Software parameters to control archiving, reporting, and other administrative functions.

You can also access support and licensing information at the bottom of the main page:

The Torrent Browser interface is organized according to three main phases of the sequencing lifecycle:

  • Plan Choose the experimental design for a template, which can be reused many times to create planned runs, or create a new planned run from an existing template. Design details include the application, reference, BED files, project, and the export destinations for results files.The Plan tab contains both templates (reusable experiment designs) and planned runs (executable instructions for individual sequencing runs).

    Use pre-installed product-specific templates, such as the templates for the Ion AmpliSeq Inherited Disease Panel, the Ion TargetSeq Exome Panel, Whole Transcriptome RNA Seq, Ion ReproSeq PGS (Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening), or create your own templates customized to your research requirements.

    Ion Reporter Software users can create plans by sample set, to set up a multi-sample analysis for Ion Reporter Software. When you create your run plan from your sample set, the run plan automatically pulls in the sample attributes from your sample set.
  • Monitor View the status of your system and running jobs, including thumbnail quality graphs for current runs, server status, and reagent levels. The quality graphs provide near real-time information on your runs, so that you know early on about any instrument issues.

  • Data View summaries of completed runs, detailed run reports, and plugin results; download output files and the run report; review the run plan settings; combine output from multiple runs into a single result set; archive or delete analysis files; export results to other systems; and create projects to manage your results.

If you are new to Torrent Suite Software, the first thing to do is to read the Quickstart Guide . Then the easiest way to learn more about Torrent Browser functionality is to review topics presented in each user interface tab:

Other information

Use the Torrent Browser Help menu to access documentation, diagnostic information, and other resources:

See Help Menu for a description of these links.